Our Core Values

  • Creativity (Inspire those around you)
  • Love (Speak Life)
  • Integrity (Do what you say you will do)
  • Spirituality (Plug In)
  • Tenacity (Get up and Never give up)

About our Team

Eliisa also holds a Master's Degree in Accounting from Brigham Young University.  Eliisa's passion is to help organizations create healthy teams who communicate transparently, are engaged, and are working together to achieve the organization's vision. 

Eliisa has been married to the man of her dreams for 33 years. She is the proud mother of 6 children and 6 grandkids.

Robert Turner, Senior Consultant

Rob was educated at Granville High School in Ohio, and Brigham Young University, Idaho. Rob has worked in the Construction industry, Specialty Manufacturing, Aerospace, and Food Packaging. He and his wife Addy have owned a successful Carpet Cleaning business since 1995.  They are the parents of 5 children. Rob has experienced many mistakes over the years, has learned from them and enjoys helping others learn from the past, and have a successful future in business and personal life.

Lighthouse Leadership Solutions is a proud partner of TTI Success Insights.


Lighthouse Leadership Solutions

Eliisa Turner, Founder

Eliisa is a Certified Professional Behaviors Analyst (CPBA) and a Certified Professional Motivators Analyst (CPMA). These certifications, awarded by TTI Success Insights on behalf of Target Training International, Ltd., recognize extensive training in the education and practical application of the history of behavior models, including the DISC models, and behavioral knowledge based on validated research-based instruments.  They also recognize knowledge of the history of motivators as developed by Eduard Spranger and TTI and the six hierarchies of human motivation and how they relate to communicating in the workplace and beyond.